Posted tagged ‘signs’

Signs of Change

December 2, 2023

Well, it’s December, and as I both predicted and anticipated, there is change. A lot of change. Please let me catch you up on what’s been happening since September.

Shortly after my little camping adventure, I lost the key to the restaurant. I was at work teaching fitness in our local senior center. I had all of my keys dangling from various little rings on my big key ring and I closed my fingers around the one I needed. As I moved to open a closet, something caught somewhere and three keys flew off of one of the smaller rings. Two fell right at my feet. The third whizzed across the room and fell through a crack in the floor. That was the first sign. There was no way to retrieve that key. I had to confess to my boss that the key was gone. She offered to have another key made, but I chose instead to use the combination lock box to get in to work. I’ve never lost a key before and felt guilty; asking to use the lock box must have been that part of me deep inside that knew I was not going to need that key anymore.

Around the same time that I lost the key, I started receiving a lot of calls for private fitness training work. I had taken a break from private clients for both a change of pace and also to take the job at the restaurant. Because it’s hard for me to say no to folks who need help, I began to accept private clients again. The work is rewarding in every way—to see someone who was unable to get out of bed progress to being able to do that seemingly simple movement—or to see someone who had trouble with balance begin to walk once more with confidence, rather than fear—or to be able to work with someone who is serious about their fitness and health goals and moves forward with unrelenting drive and commitment—it brings me great joy. And income. It’s a win-win that I seemed to have forgotten, with all the excitement around being lead cook in a restaurant.

Then, in November, my dear life partner Bill had a biopsy resulting in a diagnosis of cancer. Treatable, probably, and also a wake-up call for remembering how much I treasure him and our time together. It only made sense to end my time at The Whale’s Jaw Cafe so that I could focus on the other passions in my life—Bill and senior fitness. Guess that’s why I didn’t ask for another key…

It’s hard to do everything. I was working so many hours that I barely had time to relax at home, to take care of myself (and Bill, and my mom) and experience the other aspects of life I had been missing while I was putting in so many hours in someone else’s kitchen. I’ll also have more time and energy to work on growing our nonprofit which, by the way, is offering a free month of classes right now!

I guess what I’m trying to say is that there are signs. All the time. We just need to pay attention to them and decide what those signs mean. For me, the loss of the key was blatant. I pushed against that sign for a little while before the other signs began to wave like impatient battle flags, signaling me to make my move.

I know there is more change coming. I’m waiting and watching for what is coming next, all the while being in the moment, loving being present with Bill, my clients and classes. Winter solstice and the darkness of the season bring the opportunity for reflection, seeking light and the best of what is real in this life. I’m waiting and also not waiting; more focused on being. It feels good. Better than good. It feels right, and exactly where I want to be.

In other news, I made this beautiful cranberry pear pie with candied pecans to take to a holiday party tonight. I had time, my own amazing kitchen and the desire to create. I know you can’t have a piece, and I likely won’t get one either, but it sure came out pretty! If you’d like the recipe, leave a comment and I will share it with you.

Wishing you a happy, peaceful winter solstice, a glorious holiday season, and the desire to recognize and act on the signs of change in your own life.

