Change is in the Air

Happy Tuesday!

So far, I seem to be on track with my goals except for writing blog posts, so that is where I am going to give more energy and attention. Change is challenging. It’s hard to start/restart new habits and behaviors. Hard to let go of what gets in the way of change. Summer has flown by (have you noticed that the older you get, the faster time goes?), I’ve barely written a thing, and autumn has fallen upon us right on schedule.

Each of us is different, so it only makes sense that each of us must find what works best when we are trying to change our behaviors or make changes in our lives. I am the kind of person who functions best when I have schedules and routines. There is something comforting in knowing what I am going to do, and then doing it as planned. Letting myself down is not an option. I use the calendar on my phone for appointments and work schedules, so it makes sense to add writing posts to my calendar. That being said…I’ll be right back after I schedule some posts.

So. I spent a couple of nights glamping in Little Compton, RI. There’s something about sleeping outdoors that truly brings me closer to nature and the earth. I’m not afraid of bugs, squirrels, deer or a little water. (No bears in RI, thank goodness.) The weather forecast promised a hurricane, so I thought I was about to start a new adventure sport and went around telling my friends I was going “hurricane camping”. It turned out to be no more than a bit breezy the first evening, began to rain a bit during the night and through most of the second day, but it definitely was not a hurricane. I was a tiny bit disappointed and also a tiny bit relieved, as I would not have enjoyed the tent blowing away and jumping into my truck to sleep.

Sunday morning sunrise left me in awe of the world once again. I woke up very early, unusual for me, especially sleeping outdoors, where I have been known to sleep late into the morning. I wandered around the property where we stayed, taking in the morning stars remaining in the sky, then settled down by the fire pit to watch the day’s light come, feeling the warmth on my skin, still shivering a bit while I waited for my best friend to join me. Over the couple of days we were away, I had time for some introspection—to think about my future and the dreams I still carry about how I want to share myself and my talents/skills during the time I have left in this life. The clarity that comes to me when I am away from work and all other responsibilities and have time to relax and unwind outdoors is the best. It feels cleaner. Untarnished by distractions of daily life. There are opportunities coming my way and I am having a difficult time choosing what is best for me and for my family. After just a few days away, I know now to follow my heart, move forward and prepare for what’s next. It will be more change, and that is good.

Our host at the site told us there was a solar shower. Here I am, deciding I do not need a shower enough to hang this from a tree and pour cold water onto my already chilled body.

I feel strongly that the changes coming will happen in December. I’m not sure why, but I’m going to go with it and see how it all unfolds. As we move through this autumn, I will bring awareness and focus to the details of the opportunities coming, as I know that paying attention will help me make decisions.

Are you experiencing change or anticipating change? Are you preparing? If so, how? Please feel free to respond in the comments here.

Love + Namaste,


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