The Importance of Passion

Happy Sunday!

I said in my last post that I’d address some of the catalysts for change and today I want to talk about passion. Maybe you are already passionate about something in your life. If you aren’t, this is something to think about if you want to get unstuck. For me, feeling passionate makes my heart sing. It gives me energy. It makes me want to take action.

I am passionate about running, fitness and cooking. I am still running, teaching fitness as a senior fitness specialist, balance specialist and senior fitness consultant. There’s nothing missing in my life, yet the day-to-day of it has left me missing the third area of passion for me, and that is cooking. I cook at home all the time, developing new recipes at an almost frantic pace, seldom taking the time to write down the recipes I create. Mostly it’s because there is not enough time in the day to squeeze everything in. And, of course, something magical happened during the pandemic that fed my passion for sharing fitness and wellness with others. I let go of worrying about writing my recipes and jumped into something new with two feet.

My friend Steve presented me with a fantastic idea about my Zoom fitness classes. He brought forth the idea of starting an online wellness community for older adults that addresses all eight aspects of the Wellness Wheel. (I’ll share more details about the Wellness Wheel later.) As we talked, my heart leaped at the idea of this project. So may folks had joined my class during the pandemic and we had great feedback about how it helped them all survive the isolation of the pandemic, as well as improved their all-around fitness: cardio, strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance, too. How exciting to use my Zoom classes as a springboard for this nonprofit called For Every Body, Inc.! You can check out our website if you like:

Steve is a lawyer, a researcher, someone who helps companies grow by using surveys to determine the deepest needs of clients. He is passionate about fitness and wellness just like me. He’s a perfect match for this endeavor, as well as a gentle, loving person with a good sense of humor. He is compassionate and honest, committed to his wife and family. And so about two years ago, we began our journey together to bring wellness to “geri-optimists” in an online format.

We are still working to bring this idea to fruition, although it will be ever-changing. We have a website, we have a starting community, a new partner to help us, a list of potential interns to work with and much more. I am definitely passionate about this, although I would like to move at lightning speed, and that is just not the way these things work. I continue to curate excellent playlists for our classes, (we use licensed music, rare for fitness classes!) as well as creative, easy to follow choreography for our live-on-Zoom classes. Each class is recorded and many are now available to take on our local cable TV station here on Cape Ann.

For Every Body, Inc., rekindled my passion for fitness in a new way and was the beginning of becoming unstuck. There’s more, of course, but I need to save that for next time. Supper is ready, we are hungry, so I’ll be back soon to share more.

Love and Namaste,


Figuring out the picture piece still. Here’s a sweet shot from this morning’s time in the woods. Signs of spring!

Explore posts in the same categories: Journey of Change, Run notes that run into life

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